Need prayer, just fill out the request form below, and we will add you to our prayer list.

The centres are an avenue for believers who live in the same neighbourhood to meet for the study of God’s Word and fellowship

Interactive Bible Study Sunday
10am – 10:45am

As the name suggest, it’s an interactive study of the bible on a weekly basis, you will be studying various themes, books and chapters in a friendly atmosphere.

Sundays Morning Celebration Service
11am – 1pm

Our Sunday morning service offers you the opportunity to connect with God through praise, worship and prayer. The service is full of happy, joyful worshipers gathering to worship God in spirit and in truth.

Power House Life Group
Every Wednesday: 7pm

The PLG centres have been created to enable member’s fellowship in small units, which are small enough to give individual attention

Friday prayer service
7pm – 8:30pm

Our weekly breakthrough prayer session offers the opportunity for you to pray your way to victory.

The centres are places to invite unsaved friends to, who may be afraid to come to the main Church but feel more at ease in small settings. 

Call the church administrative office to find the nearest centre to you.
📞 02085175827